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 1. Albert Maruggi  Grading Healthcare with Healthgrades.com  Marketing Edge 
 2. Frank Moore For President 2008  on Healthcare  www.frankmooreforpresident08.com 
 3. Bill Riley  Communications in healthcare  University of Minnesota 
 4. Aleks Danilov  The Next Bubble: Healthcare  takingbackamerica's Podcast 
 5. Bill Ryan  Gay Seniors and Healthcare   
 6. Baucus  childrens healthcare  U.S. Senate Democratic Communication Center Radio Broadcast System 
 7. Indiana University Hospital  Transforming Healthcare Through IT  IT Conversations 
 8. Dr. Ruthann Russo  The Healthcare Paradox  Happy Times in Healthcare 
 9. Indiana University Hospital  Transforming Healthcare Through IT  IT Conversations 
 10. Dr. Ruthann Russo  The Healthcare Crisis  Happy Times in Healthcare 
 11. Michael F. Cannon  Sicko and Tired of U.S. Healthcare?  Cato Daily Podcast 
 12. Michael Cannon  The President's Healthcare Proposal  Cato Daily Podcast 
 13. Colleen Fuller  Supreme Court on Healthcare   
 14. Michael Cannon  The President's Healthcare Proposal  Cato Daily Podcast 
 15. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Wes Rishel  Architecture for the ICD-10 Mandate in Healthcare  Gartner Voice 
 16. Business Intelligence Network  Healthcare Business Intelligence  Audio Article 
 17. Amy and James McAuley  Healthcare final session  FC08 
 18. Hans-Hermann Hoppe  A Four-Step Healthcare Solution  Audio Mises Daily 
 19. Doctor's Digest  How Will CDHC Impact Healthcare?  CDHC#1 
 20. ECT News Network  Healthcare, Computers and the Bottom Line  Tech Business Commentary From E-Commerce Times Columnist Ted di Stefano 
 21. Colleen Fuller  Why Canadians should care about healthcare reform in the U.S.  Redeye: Vancouver Cooperative Radio 
 22. Erik Peterson with Chris Thompson  UC Healthcare Blogger Outreach Podcast1st ed  Cisco 
 23. Paul Harris Show  Paul Reickhoff on Veterans Healthcare  as heard on KMOX/St. Louis 
 24. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Joanne Galimi  Preventing Healthcare Fraud and Abuse  Gartner Voice 
 25. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Cynthia Burghard  Managing to a Single Healthcare Card  Gartner Voice 
 26. Colleen Fuller  Why Canadians should care about healthcare reform in the U.S.  Redeye: Vancouver Cooperative Radio 
 27. Jamie Davis  News Roundup -- Doctor, can you fix my healthcare?  HeadlinerNews Roundup 
 28. Business Intelligence Network  The Future of Healthcare Business Intelligence  Audio Article 
 29. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Joanne Galimi  Healthcare Payers: A Road Map to Service Excellence  Gartner Voice 
 30. Editorial Team  Healthcare Business Intelligence Powers Up Run Charts  6220 
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